Le jeudi 9 mai, à la salle DS-8310 du Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève, l’Institut des sciences cognitives tiendra une Journée ISC – École de langues, sous le thème

Cognitive Neuroscience and Language Learning

Horaire de la journée :

10 h 00
Accueil et café

10 h 15 à 11 h 15
Brain organization for language learning (
Conférencière :
Dr. Denise Klein  
Scientist in the Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University, Director of the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM)  

11 h 30 à 12 h 30
Cognitive neuroscience meets education: Understanding learning in a second language (
Conférencière :
Dr. Gigi Luk
Associate Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University

12 h 45 – 13 h 45
Applied cognitive linguistics and language learning (
Conférencière :
Dr. Reyes Llopis-Garcia
Senior Lecturer in Spanish, Columbia University, Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures

14 h00 à 15 h 00

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Notez que les conférence seront en anglais.


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