

Deux activités:

Le matin, dans le cadre des ateliers du LANCI, 
Jackie Cheung - Inducing Event and Narrative Structure from Text
I review existing literature on learning event and narrative structure from text from a computational perspective. I start by discussing the common assumptions current work makes about the definition of event structure. Then, I describe a number of previous models for learning this structure. Most of these models are unsupervised; that is, they do not assume any event annotation in learning. I also discuss applications of event and narrative structure induction in template filling, information ordering, and extractive summarization, and point out several directions of future work in the field.
10h00, W-5215, UQAM, Métro Berri-UQAM

L'après-midi, dans le cadre des rencontres CRISCo
Guillaume Beaulac, Postdoctoral Fellow à Yale University, nous propose de discuter du texte « Experimental Philosophy is Cognitive Science » de Joshua Knobe,
Le texte est accessible en cliquant sur ce lien :
Rencontre dans la même salle que l'atelier du matin: Au département de philosophie de l’UQÀM, au local W-5215 (pavillon Thérèse Casgrain, 5ème étage).

À demain!

Guillaume Chicoisne, PhD.
Institut des Sciences Cognitives -
(+1) 514-987-3000 #4374

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