Wow !!! Tout un changement, c'est SUPER


2014-05-28 9:22 GMT-04:00 Chicoisne, Guillaume <[log in to unmask]>:

(Nous sommes passés à un nouveau serveur pour la gestion de la liste, j’espère que tout fonctionne normalement / we are now using a different server for this mailing list; I hope everything is OK)


Les effets à long terme et cumulatifs des commotions cérébrales: analyses anatomiques, fonctionnelles et génotypiques


CIRMMT General Assembly,     Student Symposium and Concert


Scordatura: on Re-mapping the Body to Sound (and vice-versa)


On objects and actions


BRAMS has a new postdoctoral position in auditory neuroscience (rhythm)

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Isabelle Peretz

( in collaboration with Caroline Palmer and Virginia Penhune, to work on a new project funded by the Natural Science and Engineering Research of Canada entitled “Losing the beat: brain and behavioral basis of human rhythm”.

Desirable qualifications include solid computing and programming skills, knowledge of music and speech rhythm and experience with neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI). The position offers up to 2 years (renewable) of training and research opportunities. See for more information.

Applicants should send a CV, statement of research interests and skills, and a list of personal references. Position will remain open until filled.

Contact: [log in to unmask]


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Pour vous désabonner de la liste ISC-LISTE, envoyez un courriel vide (sans objet ni contenu) à : [log in to unmask]