

Bonjour à tous·tes,

L'équipe Projekt <> a le plaisir d'accueillir
Afonso de Matos pour son séminaire mensuel DEIS
qui se tiendra *le vendredi 22 novembre 2024 de 14h30 à 16h30* en salle
121, sur le site Hoche de l’université de Nîmes. Il sera également possible
de suivre le séminaire en ligne.

Nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Afonso de Matos, designer graphique et
diplômé en design de l'information de la Design Academy Eindhoven, pour une
présentation intitulée : *Who Can Afford To Be Critical? — A reflection,
two years after.*

Résumé de la présentation :

I published 'Who Can Afford To Be Critical
<>?' in
2020, upon the completion of a 2-year MA programme in Design Academy
Eindhoven, in The Netherlands. Two years have passed, and I would like to
expand, revise and comment on some of the key aspects of the book, which
may appear invisible but constitute its foundations. I would like to focus
on feelings of pessimism, disillusion, guilt, hypocrisy,
powerlessness—essentially, the "emotional landscape" (to quote Bjork) that
produced the book. I'm interested in how they relate to design discourse,
in how they construct its mirror image and in acknowledging the idea that
there are sentiments organizing the ways we pursue and engage in design
research and practice. I'm also interested in a political reading of such
sentiments, making possible connections between them and issues of class,
sexuality and gender. A situated, standpoint theory-informed stance will be
taken in this lecture, where I will aim to speak through my personal,
individual vulnerabilities, which might (or might not!) help us construct a
broader collective picture of what is happening in design discourse, in art
and in culture.

Le séminaire se tiendra en visioconférence sur Teams, accessible via ce
lien :

Au plaisir de s'y voir.

Bien cordialement,

Azza Rajhi & Manon Ménard

*Azza Rajhi*
PhD design
Designer, researcher, teacher
*Projekt  Lab - Université de Nîmes*
WhatsUp : 0669975764

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