

Dear colleagues,

We happily invite you to submit to the open call for abstracts for the upcoming symposium on “Studying Ideas in practice” at the Aarhus Institute for Advanced Research (AIAS) organized by the Centre for Digital Creativity and the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies at Aarhus University (DK) taking place on 23-24th October 2024.

While ideas are considered important phenomena across a range of disciplines, from philosophy and art to science and design, and figure prominently, albeit often implicitly, in data, theories, and methods, ideas are rarely objects of research themselves. In this symposium, we will put ideas front and center as the object of study. In particular, we are interested in exploring what we might call the everyday life of ideas, as they emerge and evolve, thrive or fade away, and the practices and infrastructures that shape them. We aim to share and discuss methodologies, frameworks, and perspectives on studying the genesis, evolution, dissemination, and impact of ideas in practice.

We welcome contributions from a multitude of disciplines including, but not limited to design, philosophy, psychology, political science, linguistics, anthropology, science and technology studies (STS), cognitive science, communication studies, and education research. Furthermore, we welcome submission from both practice and theoretical standpoints and from PhD level to expert (N.B. an open call for the attached doctoral course on 21-22 October, 2024 will be distributed at a later date. PhDs who participate in the doctoral course will be given free admission to the symposium to attend. If you’d also like to present work you have to submit to this call for abstracts).

The deadline for abstracts is Friday 19 July, 2024. More details on submission guidelines and the inspiring keynote by dr. Jennifer Clarke can be found via this link:

We look forward to your submissions,

Warm wishes,

Peter Dalsgaard, Frederik Vejlin, Miheala Taranu, and Minke Nouwens


Minke Nouwens
PhD Candidate,
“Practicing Ideas in a Danish Contextual Design Studio”

Aarhus University
Centre for Digital Creativity
Department of Digital Design & Information Studies

Office: Wiener 134

Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


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