Chers collègues, 

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le programme du prochain workshop de recherche de l’EASA (réseau européen d’anthropologie de l’art), qui aura lieu aura lieu les 10 et 11 novembre à l'Université de Newcastle.

Intitulé : « Re-worlding relations : Anthropologie, art et design », il se déroulera avec dix-huit présentations et deux conférences d'ouverture données par l’anthropologue Barbara Glowczewski (CNRS) et l’historienne de l’art Anna Maria Guasch (Université de Barcelone).


Ce workshop est l'événement bisannuel organisé par le réseau d’Anthropologie des arts (EASA) de l'Association européenne d’anthropologie sociale (ANTART).

Il est co-organisé par  Giuliana Borea (Université de Newcastle),Francesca Cozzolino (EnsadLab/Lesc, Paris), Alex Ungprateeb Flynn (University of California, Los Angeles), Kiven Strohm (National University of Singapore). 


Pour plus d’informations consultez le programme détaillé téléchargeable ici :

“Re-worlding relations: Anthropology, art, and design”

November 10-11, 2023
Venue: Newcastle University
Old Library Building (OLB), Room 2.20

In this symposium we take up the concept of worlding to explore practices of arranging the world otherwise and to test a theoretical compass mediated by sensibility and sustainability. Worlding is an idea with a complex genealogy despite, or perhaps because of, its Heideggarian lineage which Gayatari Spivak locates as central to the maintenance of an ongoing coloniality. And yet, worlding allows us to enact a plurality of thinking and practice to contest hegemonic structures, values, and ways of being. It also centres material processes and practices as the means to glimpse how to craft alternative forms of life and relations. We wish to explore: How might anthropology, art, and design - each deeply relational modes of knowledge production and sensory experience – come together to refract the course of a universal modernity? How might such alliances propose alternative forms of organisation and living in-with the world(s)? How might anthropology, art, and design set out paths of re-worlding for new sensible and sustainable relations that move us toward a pluriversal existence? How might such processes occur, be they in the studio, the academy, or virtually through digital forms? What forms of narrativisation and what kinds of knowledge might be produced by re-worlding processes?

Francesca Cozzolino
École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
Université PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres)
31, rue d'Ulm - F 75005 Paris
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