

[image: Designing Truth.jpg]

Dear Colleagues,

AUTOMEDIAS.ORG <> is pleased to invite you to the
event to be held on *July 17, 2023, from 9am to 5.10pm (PDT), at the
University of California, Berkeley*, entitled :
*"Designing Truth. From Truth(s) Regime(s) to Exosomatization"*


The aim of this symposium is twofold. Firstly, it will attempt to analyze
the problems associated with post-truth (disinformation, misinformation,
fake-news, conspiracy theories, etc.) on digital social networks, not as
the consequence of bad citizen behavior on the networks that should be
moderated, regulated and banned, but as the negative effect of the
globalizing imperialist strategy of big-tech that does not recognize
locality as a variable in expressions of truth. In response to this
analysis, the second challenge will be to promote the figure of the
automedia and the creative process of exosomatization in platform design as
an alternative concept for overcoming the opposition between locality and
globality, in order to resolve the political and epistemic tensions grouped
under the name of post-truth. The aim is to rethink the concepts and
production processes of digital social networks based on the cultural,
social and geographical references of a given territory, with awareness of
its singularity and its epistemic limits.

This event is organized by AUTOMEDIAS.ORG, co-produced by the NEST project
<> and the Townsend Center for the Humanities
<>, and hosted by Jacob Institute for
Design Innovation, <> in partnership
with the Department of Rhetoric <>.

The colloquium will take place in person at UC Berkeley and online. So you
can follow the symposium remotely if you wish by registering on this form

You can find more information on Jacob Institute for Design Innovation
website about *the program, the biographies and the argument of the

Looking forward to meeting you!

Igor Galligo

Igor Galligo
Associate Researcher at Technische Universität, Berlin
Visiting Student Researcher at University of California, Berkeley, USA

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