Bonjour à tous.tes,

Nous vous relayons les informations concernant la prochaine rencontre du DESIS Network qui se tiendra le 21 juin prochain, en ligne. L'hôte sera l'Arctic Design Lab in Rovaniemi, Finland. Toutes les précisions ci-dessous.
Bien à vous

Béatrice Gisclard

Béatrice Gisclard
Designer, Maîtresse de Conférences en Design 
Département Sciences et Arts
Co-responsable du Master Design Innovation Société (DIS)
Tel. : + 33 6 74 97 49 11 -
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De: "DESIS Coordination Teresa Franqueira" <[log in to unmask]>

Envoyé: Lundi 12 Juin 2023 16:38:41
Objet: SAVE the DATE: Desis Café hosted by Arctic Design Lab from Rovaniemi, Finland

Dear Lab Coordinators,
We are pleased to invite you to one more Desis Café, hosted by the team from the Arctic Design Lab in Rovaniemi, Finland on the 21st of June, at 11.00 UTC.
Please share this event with your students and colleagues.
Our host’s message for this DESIS Café is:
"The University of Lapland's Arctic Design Lab was established in 2015 in the Arctic Circle of Northern Finland. It is the northernmost laboratory on the DESIS lab network, focusing on a diverse and multicultural approach to art and design in northern regions. The lab is dedicated to finding creative solutions to meet the needs of various northern services. The University of Lapland is currently discussing the TRUST project in DESIS cafe, which focuses on online accessibility, ethical preservation, and restoration of cultural heritage material. The project utilizes educational methods and research to integrate the viewpoints of Indigenous groups into law and creates socially innovative engagement tools to promote knowledge among stakeholders."

Join the event via Zoom through this link: DesisCafé

Also, please check your time zone here.

Prancheta 1.png
Kind regards,
DESIS Coordination Team
(Teresa Franqueira and Gisela Pinheiro)

Teresa Franqueira
International coordinator of DESIS Network (
ID+ DESIS Lab. Department of Communication and Art. Universidade de Aveiro. 

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