

Dans le cadre de l'Open Online Theater Festival, j'ai le plaisir d'animer 3 ateliers en ligne "dance+blockchain".
What do we mean by digital identities and how does it relate to the freedom to move?
- Mardi 24/11 de 19H30 à 21H30 (h française)
- Mercredi 25/11 de 19H30 à 21H30 (h française)
- Jeudi 26/11 de 19H30 à 21H30 (h française)

N'hésitez pas à transmettre l'information, il est encore temps de vous inscrire à un ou plusieurs ateliers, (ouverts à tous, danseurs et non danseurs....)

Jeanne Bloch


Free to Move: Dance Un-chained Workshop by Jeanne Bloch

Workshop for dancers and choreographers including a general introduction to blockchain and its current use by artists. We will explore dance and movement as a practice for freedom in the context of blockchain technology. Paradoxically, blockchain technology is both a tool to record all moves on a ‘technological chain’ and a technology that can help us keep ownership of our own digital identities.

Day #2 – The question of digital identities and how it relates to the freedom to move

  • Low tech exploration of movement and freedom: movement as a trace, as a flow, as a direction, as a subjective proposition, as a connection
  • Movement as data: are we aware? How to embody invisible data flows based on our movements?
  • Digital identities in Web3 (blockchain) and why we need dancers.

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