Cher.e.s collègues, Recevez ci-après une informaiton qui pourrait intéresser les chercheurs en design. bonne journée Philippe Corcuff ******************* ******************* The Politics of Emancipation Utopia, Insurgent Democracy and the Legacy of Miguel Abensour Supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, York University, Trent University, McMaster University and Glendon College York University, Toronto, Canada, September 28-30 2022 Zoom link : Avec le décalage horaire, il faut ajouter pour Paris 6 heures aux horaires indiqués dans le programme pour Toronto. Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Kaneff tower 519 9:15am-9:30am Opening Remarks ● Martin Breaugh (York University) 9:30am-10:45am Rethinking Emancipation and Critique ● Chair: Martin Breaugh (York University) ● Philippe Corcuff (IEP Lyon), ‘The Levinas-Abensour couple to rethink emancipation to the challenge of ultra-conservatism and identitarism’ (Remote) ● Masaya Wada, ‘Miguel Abensour’s Concept of Critique as a Core of Democracy’ (Doshisha University) (Remote) 11:00am-12:15pm Perspectives on Utopia ● Chair: Devin Penner (Trent University) ● Francesco Deotto (Université de Genève), ‘A persistent utopia under the sign of non-sovereignty: On Abensour and Derrida’ (Remote) ● Matthew McLennan (Saint Paul University), ‘Utopia for Grownups: Variations on Abensour and Child Development’ (Remote) 1:30pm-2:45pm La Boétie’s Influence ● Chair: Devin Penner (Trent University) ● Sophie Marcotte-Chénard (Carleton University), ‘Abensour, La Boétie and the “Unthought” of Political Philosophy’ ● Emmanuel Charreau (Université libre de Bruxelles), ‘La Boétie in The Making: The Meaning of Politics and Humanism Then and Now’ (Remote) 3:00pm-4:15pm Insurgent Democracy and the Problem of Institution ● Chair: S.D. Chrostowska (York University) ● Sara Gebh (Universität Greifswald), ‘An Insurgent Institution? Democratic Stasis and the Politicization of Order’ (Remote) ● Niklas Plaetzer (University of Chicago), ‘The “Morning After Question” of Insurgent Democracy: Miguel Abensour on Institutional Durability’ 4:30pm-6:30pm Keynote Lecture ● Chair: Martin Breaugh (York University) ● Géraldine Muhlmann (Université Panthéon-Assas Paris 2), ‘Who’s Afraid of Voluntary Servitude? A Few Abensourian Reflections on Obedience in the 16th Century’ (Remote) Thursday, September 29, 2022, Kaneff tower 519 9:30am-10:45am From the Critique of Totalitarianism to Democracy Against the State ● Chair: James Ingram (McMaster University) ● Dick Howard (SUNY Stony Brook), ‘The History and the Politics of the Critique of Totalitarianism’ ● Antoine Chollet (Université de Lausanne), ‘From the Kreuznach Manuscripts to Democracy against the State: A History of Misunderstandings’ 11:00am-12:15pm Marxian Legacies ● Chair: Paul Mazzocchi (Trent University) ● Manuel Cervera-Marzal (FNRS, Université de Liège), ‘The Marxian Moment of Miguel Abensour’ (Remote) ● Grant Anderson (York University), ‘Reduction, Division, and Anthropology: Abensour’s Reconstruction of Marx’s Democratic Thought’ 1:30pm-2:45pm Anarchy, the State (Debates) and Utopia ● Chair: James Ingram (McMaster University) ● Deniz Guvenc (University of Ottawa), ‘Marx, Stirner, Abensour: Emancipatory Democracy and Utopia in the Vormärz’ ● Igor Shoikhedbrod (St. Francis Xavier University), ‘The Abolition of the State: Miguel Abensour’s Contributions to Contemporary State Debates’ (Remote) 3:00pm-4:15pm Insurgent Democracy and the Problem of Institution ● Chair: Paul Mazzocchi (Trent University) ● Christopher Holman (Nanyang Technical University), ‘Abensour and the Political Legacy of Critical Theory’ ● Olivier Ruchet (Universität Zürich), ‘Between the Lines? Miguel Abensour and Leo Strauss (After Labelle)’ Friday, September 30, 2022, Kaneff tower 519 9:30am-10:45am Decolonization, Abolition and Utopia ● Chair: Paul Mazzocchi (Trent University) ● Jérôme Melançon (University of Regina), ‘The Utopia of Decolonization and the Decolonization of Utopia’ ● Devin Shaw (Douglas College), ‘John Brown’s Body and the “New Utopian Spirit”: A Critical Reading of Miguel Abensour’s “History of Utopia and Destiny of its Critique”’ 11:00am-12:15pm Democracy, Revoltism and Temporality ● Chair: S.D. Chrostowska (York University) ● Christophe David (Université Rennes 2), ‘If there is a revolting “rabble”, well, I’m glad to belong to it - Portrait of the “revoltist” Miguel Abensour as an insurgent democrat’ (Remote) ● Begoña Gerling (New School for Social Research), ‘To Think a Radical Democratic Temporality: Abensour on Insurgent Democracy’ 1:30pm-2:45pm Workshop: Abensour Today ● Group discussion facilitated by Martin Breaugh (York University), Paul Mazzocchi (Trent University), S.D. Chrostowska (York University), James Ingram (McMaster University) and Devin Penner (Trent University) ******************* Philippe CORCUFF * Auteur de : - “¿Hay un futuro político para el "postfascismo"? Presentación de Corcuff, P. (2021). La grande confusion. Comment l’extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées”, Revista Stultifera de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Austral de Chile), vol. 5, número 2, secundo semestre del 2022, pp. 267-278, - “Television Series as Critical Theories: From Current Identarianism to Levinas. American Crime, The Sinner, Sharp Objects, Unorthodox”, Open Philosophy, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, pp. 105-117, - Contributions to Domination and Emancipation. Remaking Critique, Daniel Benson (ed.), Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield International, Series "Reinventing Critical Theory", 294 p., 2021, - La grande confusion. Comment l'extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées, Paris, éditions Textuel, 672 p., 2021, * Maître de conférences HDR de science politique à l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> * <mailto:[log in to unmask]> Membre du CERLIS (Université Paris Cité/Université Sorbonne Nouvelle/CNRS, UMR 8070) * Coanimateur depuis juin 2013 du séminaire de recherche militante et libertaire ETAPE (Explorations Théoriques Anarchistes Pragmatistes pour l'Emancipation, ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pour toute demande d'aide sur le fonctionnement de cette liste, veuillez consulter cette page : <a href=""></a> Pour vous désabonner de la liste RECHERCHE-DESIGN, envoyez un courriel vide (sans objet ni contenu) à : [log in to unmask]