Call for participation - ETIS’22 (European Tangible Interaction Studio)

The Fifth European Tangible Interaction Studio will be held from Nov. 7-10 2022 at ENAC, Toulouse, France ( The aim of this meeting is to gather young European researchers in our field, to get them in touch with internationally renowned researchers and to establish networks for their future.


University students, researchers and practitioners are invited to propose a talk (and optional demo) of their research or organize a workshop in the field of Tangible Interaction. 

Contributions are required to address the field of Tangible Interaction. The overall topic of ETIS 2022 is “Ecological transition and mobility of the future”, and we welcome these as well as other application areas including (but not limited to): 

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: June 3rd 2022
Notification of Acceptance: July 4th 2022
Final version of papers due: August 22th 2022

Oral presentations (and demos)

Short papers (maximum 5 pages excluding references) for oral presentation (with optional demo) have to be submitted to Easychair (submission platform will open end of May). Papers should be formatted according to the CEURART paper template (1 column) and should not be anonymized.

For more information about the CEURART style, see 

We welcome submissions in the form of theoretical foundations and frameworks of Tangibles User Interface (TUI); design guidelines and methods; prototypes, tools and toolkits for TUI; design cases, and TUI applications in different domains.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by ETIS Scientific Committee and selected by relevance with regard to tangible interaction, quality of research, and potential to provoke discussions during the meeting. Selected contributions will be published in ETIS proceedings, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, a free open-access publication service, by Scientific Ed. Dr Valerie Maquil. 
Reviews are single-blind, so submissions should provide the names and affiliations of the authors. You can submit previous work if the copyright allows it, and accepted work at ETIS may be resubmitted to other venues.

Workshop Proposals

ETIS’22 invites proposals for half-day (4h) or one day workshop activities (2*4h). Workshops provide researchers the opportunity to deeply engage with the materials, methods and processes used in their research. Generally they provide hands-on experiences during which participants are introduced to new technologies, materials, prototypes, design approaches, et cetera.

The proposal should provide information on the following aspects:

Workshop Proposals (5 pages max. excluding references) have to be submitted to Easychair (submission platform will open end of May) and will be published in ETIS proceedings, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, a free open-access publication service, by Scientific Ed. Dr Valerie Maquil. Papers should be formatted according to the CEURART paper template (1 column) and should not be anonymized.

Contact General Chair:
Anke Brock [log in to unmask]

Contact Paper Chair:
Catherine Letondal [log in to unmask]

Contact Proceedings Chair:
Valérie Maquil [log in to unmask] 

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