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Dear Authors, Scholars and Researchers

The Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of diid.disegno industriale industrial design encourage submissions for the 8th International Forum of Design As A Process that pursue diverse topicsThe topic is "Disrupting Geographies in the Design World. Responsible Innovation/Social Justice/Ecocentrism/Changing Education”. More information in the pdf attached. You can submit your proposal here:


The 2022 event aims to provide a forum for discussion about different dimensions

of design futures of responsibility and justice, through five different tracks:

Track1_ There’s No Plan(et) B: Sustainable Transitions to Systemic Planet-Centric Design  

Track2_ Intersectional Design for an Accessible and Empowering World

Track3_ Design and Responsive Technologies for Human Wellbeing

Track4_ Design Values out of the Mainstream: New Geographies of Influence

Track5_ New Education Pathways for Future Designers in a Changing World

We take the opportunity to remind our community that diid Journal is accepting submissions for issue 77!
(Deadline 30th April, 2022)

Looking forward to meeting you in Bologna,

Editorial Team 

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