collègues, Recevez dans la suite de ce message une information sur le dernier numéro consacré aux séries TV de la revue Open Philosophy en open access, susceptible d'intéresser l'imaginaire des enseignants-chercheurs et des chercheurs travaillant sur le design dans une optique pluri- et trans-disciplinaire. Mes meilleurs voeux pour 2022 Philippe Corcuff ******************************* Open Philosophy Open Access Journal Published since December 20, 2017 ISSN: 2543-8875 Editor-in-chief: Graham Harman * Language: English * Publisher: De Gruyter Open Acces (Berlin) Volume 5 Issue 1 January 2022 Topical issue: Ethics and Politics of TV Series, edited by Sandra Laugier Ethics and Technology: An Analysis of Rick and Morty<> Umut Eldem, Beşir Özgür Nayır Rewatching, Film, and New Television<> Martin Shuster The Handmaid’s Tale: Reproductive Labour and the Social Embeddedness of Markets<> Janelle Pötzsch Diversity, Identity, Oppression: The Construction of “Blackness” in Dear White People<> Laura Schelenz, Marcel Vondermaßen Violence, Wars, and the Possibility of Ethical Life in an Apocalypse: A Kantian Reading of The Walking Dead<> Selda Salman New Screen Economies and Viewing Paradigms: The Ethics of Representation in Delhi Crime<> Benita Acca Benjamin The Feelings We Feel: Care and Community in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood<> Riley Valentine Fleabag’s Pedagogy of the Gimmick<> Ada S. Jaarsma Television Series as Critical Theories: From Current Identitarianism to Levinas. American Crime, The Sinner, Sharp Objects, Unorthodox<> Philippe Corcuff Black Earth Rising and Queen Sono: A Critical Decolonial Analysis<> Fernando David Márquez Duarte Posthumanist Solidarity: The Political and Ethical Imaginations of Artificial Intelligence from Battlestar Galactica to Raised by Wolves<> Alexandre Gefen The Veteran Reintegrated in You’re the Worst and One Day at a Time<> Renée Pastel Series Under Threat <> Sandra Laugier The Dialogic Expansion of Garcia’s We: Chronotopes, Ethics, and Politics in The Expanse Series<> Eamon Reid On the Fear of the Void and Killing Babies in Pascal, Nabokov, and Game of Thrones<> Ada Bronowski From Episodic Novel to Serial TV: The Handmaid’s Tale, Adaptation and Politics<> Jeroen Gerrits ******************* Philippe CORCUFF * Auteur de : - La grande confusion. Comment l'extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées, Paris, éditions Textuel, mars 2021, . Contributions to Domination and Emancipation. Remaking Critique, Daniel Benson (ed.), Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield International, Series "Reinventing Critical Theory", November 2021, - “Television Series as Critical Theories: From Current Identarianism to Levinas. American Crime, The Sinner, Sharp Objects, Unorthodox”, Open Philosophy (Open Access Journal, De Gruyter, Berlin), vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 105-117, online since 16 December 2021, * Maître de conférences HDR de science politique à l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> * <mailto:[log in to unmask]> Membre du CERLIS (Université de Paris/Université Sorbonne Nouvelle/CNRS, UMR 8070) * Coanimateur depuis juin 2013 du séminaire de recherche militante et libertaire ETAPE (Explorations Théoriques Anarchistes Pragmatistes pour l'Emancipation, ******************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pour vous désabonner de la liste RECHERCHE-DESIGN, envoyez un courriel vide (sans objet ni contenu) à : [log in to unmask]