L'ouvrage collectif ci-après qui vient de paraître, en traitant des rapports entre critique de la domination et émancipation, pourrait intéresser les secteurs critiques de la recherche en
design :
Domination and Emancipation. Remaking Critique
Daniel Benson ed.
Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield International, Series « Reinventing Critical Theory », November 2021, 352 p., https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786607010/Domination-and-Emancipation-Remaking-Critique
Auteurs :
Daniel Benson
Luc Boltanski
Yves Citton
Philippe Corcuff
Nancy Fraser
Asad Haider
Gabriel Rockhill
Rosaura Sánchez
Ajay Singh Chaudhary
Françoise Vergès
Tables des matières
Daniel Benson
Part I: Dialogues
1 Domination and Emancipation: For a Revival of Social Critique
Luc Boltanski and Nancy Fraser
Debate introduced and led by Philippe Corcuff
2 Domination and Emancipation in the Current Conjuncture
Philippe Corcuff and Gabriel Rockhill
Interview by Daniel Benson
Part II: Emancipatory Subjects
3 Emancipation, Political and Real
Asad Haider
4 On a Critical Realist Theory of Identity
Rosaura Sánchez
Part III: Counter-Histories
5 Critical and Revolutionary Theory: For the Reinvention of Critique in the Age of Ideological Realignment
Gabriel Rockhill
6 Like a Riot: The Politics of Forgetfulness, Relearning the South, and the Island of Dr. Moreau
Françoise Vergès
Part IV: Critical Tensions
7 Emancipation, Domination, and Critical Theory in the Anthropocene
Ajay Singh Chaudhary
8 Renewing Critical Theory in an Ultra-Conservative Context: between the Social Sciences, Political Philosophy, and Emancipatory Engagement
Philippe Corcuff
9 Politics in Tensions. Counter-Currents for a Post-Critical Age
Yves Citton
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