

Rappel pour celles et ceux d’entre vous qui travaillent sur des sujets de design management, innovation, systèmes et stratégies : soumettez aujourd’hui vos abstracts (in english) pour notre track à la conférence R&D 2020. Plus de détails ci-dessous, et le lien vers le site de la conférence. 

Under the general theme "Innovation Across Boundaries: Historical Reflection and Future Vision" we invite researchers to submit papers in our track "Design spaces across organizational boundaries: Novel opportunities for strategic impact"
Estelle Berger (Strate School of Design, FR), Guillaume Blum (Laval University, CA) and Giulia Marcocchia (École Polytechnique, FR) will be chairing this track. We expect contributions addressing the strategic role of Design in managing systemic innovation. In particular, boundaries shall be challenged regarding:
- The contribution of design for collaboration among organizations
- The implementation of a design approach to open innovation 
- The impacts of design-led innovation on the decision-making process 
- The KPI associated with design
- Training managers to design and/or design thinking
- The contribution of a design approach in formulating the organization’s raison d’être, and the impacts on its CSR & sustainability policy 
- The role of design in promoting innovation management focused on inclusiveness
Full description and call for papers are available here:

Au plaisir d’échanger,

Estelle, Giulia et Guillaume

Estelle Berger, PhD
Director - Exalt Design Lab
Head of Mastere Innovation x Design 
27 avenue de la division Leclerc
92310 Sèvres - FRANCE
T: +33 6 01 05 60 61