
j'ai le plaisir de vous inviter au Symposium intitulé Soft Matter(s): Sciences-Design junctions & frictions  le vendredi 20 décembre de 9h30 à 13h en amphithéâtre Rodin, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris,  organisé dans le cadre du prochain rdv du réseau ArcInTex,  réseau académique dédié aux intersections entre Architecture, Design d'Interaction et au Textile.  Cela sera l'occasion de se questionner sur les interactions entre sciences et design/création à travers le prisme de recherches centrées sur les matériaux, de la pétrification du papier aux textiles intelligents en passant par les biomatériaux et l'architecture biologique avec les interventions de:
    • Emmanuel Mahé, Head of research & Ensadlab, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris

    • Philippe Vroman Gemtex lab., Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, Roubaix

    • Emile de Visscher, post.doc, Matter of activities cluster, Humboldt University, Berlin

    • Aurélie Mosse, co-head of Soft Matters, Ensadlab, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris

    • Martyn Dade Robertson, Prof. of Emerging Technology, Co-Director of the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment, Newcastle University

    Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé des questions qui seront abordées lors de ce symposium et de plus amples détails sur l'ensemble de l'évènement ArcInTex ici:

    Inscription préalable impérative mais gratuite à ce lien: Le symposium sera suivi d'une présentation/exposition des résultats issus des trois workshops organisés les deux jours précédents autour de la création de voiles de cheveux, de la teinture naturelle et de l'impression de motifs 3D à partir de déblais.

    Au plaisir je l'espère de vous retrouver à cette occasion.


    Soft Matter(s): Sciences-Design junctions & frictions

    In its simplest articulation, design’s activity is concerned with how ideas are embodied into the material world. As such defined, design is not the privilege of specific professionals but of any thinker translating abstract ideas into a material reality. Since the industrial revolution, design has however become a profession in its own right related to a set of activities engaged in the imagination, drawing and prototyping of artefacts and the planning of their production. Materials and techniques are today acknowledged as a fundamental part of this intellectuality. Besides, the term materiality is increasingly used to refer to this specific stage of material transformation induced by architects and designers, after matter or raw materials being transformed through specific cycles of production, transformation and distribution often led by material science & engineering (LActh).

    While designers, material scientists and engineers share a common interest in practice-based and experimental approaches to research, these different actors of material creation usually apprehend materials in distinct ways. If material scientists understand them as an outcome of their research process, materials are often a starting point of the design process. While material science focuses on molecular structures to distinguish why a material is different from another, engineering is preoccupied with the performance of the material at the scale of the object within a given environment. As for designers, their knowledge of materials is traditionally oriented by their sensorial properties and their context of use.

    At a time where ecological challenges require a radical renewal of material practices, this seminar proposes to explore the relationship between design, science and engineering through the prism of material innovation. By bringing an interdisciplinary array of speakers, it will be the occasion to discuss the desired and unexpected frictions and junctions between design and science research practices and question how interdisciplinary collaborations across these disciplines can contribute to the shaping of new sustainable materialities:

    • what makes a successful science-design collaboration and how does it lead to the shaping of more sustainable materialities?

    • what makes a successful science-design collaboration and how does it lead to the shaping of more sustainable materialities?

    • What are the main challenges faced by such collaborations?

    • Can textile be a privileged medium to encourage innovation across science and design? How?

    By questioning the boundaries between science and design, we ask how more integrative material practices can be fostered for the shaping of more resilient futures and aim at encouraging such dialogue.

    Aurélie Mosse
    PhD, MA Design for Textile Futures
    Responsable de la 4e année Design Textile et Matière
    Co-directrice du groupe de recherche Soft Matters, Ensadlab

    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
    31 rue d'Ulm, 75240 Paris Cedex 05
    Université Paris Sciences Lettres (PSL)

    18-20th of December - hosting next ArcInTex meeting
    Associated member of the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity